Introducing MediaOnTwitter: Extending MicroPR to Improve Collaboration on Twitter
Last year, Stowe Boyd and I, in development with Christopher Peri, introduced MicroPR, an online service for Twitter that connects reporters, bloggers, event organizers, authors, among others, to PR representatives when they need help sourcing content or connecting with experts in Twitter time. To date, MicroPR is followed by over 5,000 communications and marketing professionals.
MicroPR extends a tweet beyond the existing followers of the person asking for help to include those following the decicated PR channel. It amplifies the Tweet to improve the quality of responses.
When media need help or guidance, they simply start their tweet with "@micropr"
In support of MicroPR, we also launched M1cr0PR, a dedicated wiki to support the refinement of micro public relations as well as sharing best practices for this new world of engagement and influence. With a little help from Brad Mays, the wiki also featured the first organized list of media on Twitter. served as a central resource for communications professionals to learn more about the principles, methodologies, and tools to enhance relationships through brevity, fidelity, and clarity.
The community-powered wiki features:
- A list of journalists, bloggers, and analysts on Twitter and their Twitter IDs
- A directory of Micromedia Tools for PR
- Links to helpful discussions on improving PR
- In the future, we’ll also feature an FAQ page (feel free to start one)
One year later, I'm extremely happy to announce that I'm joining Sarah Evans, Peter Shankman, Melissa Hourigan, and Ed Dunigan in a new collaborative venture with TrackVia that offers a centralized, comprehensive, and global user-generated database for tracking media on Twitter. MicroPR will support MediaOnTwitter by connecting communications professionals to contacts and also relevant content that helps them engage effectively without pitching or spamming important influencers in a new medium.
MediaOnTwitter is populated by you via an online submission form. The team manages and ensures the integrity and usability of the content. The database will eventually reside on a soon to be announced official home as well as and potentially Stay tuned for news regarding a submission contest and the official announcement of the new homes for the database.
In the meantime, it's available in its temporary location here, and currently features an extensive list of media on Twitter from the United States, Australia, Canada, France, India, Malta, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.
Connect with me on:
Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Social Median, or Facebook
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