Paul Gillin on Putting the Public Back in Public Relations
Paul Gillin at Blogworld Expo
I've rigorously followed Paul Gillin over the years. Gillin is a long-time technology journalist who’s worked almost exclusively online since 1999. He was founding editor-in-chief of TechTarget, which was one of the most successful new media entities to debut on the Web. Before that, he served as editor-in-chief and executive editor of the technology weekly Computerworld for 15 years. In 2007, Gillin released The New Influencers and in 2008 he released Secrets of Social Media Marketing.
I'd like to take a moment to share Paul's quote in support of my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations."
"Putting the Public Back in Public Relations" is a passionate and persuasive case for rewriting the rules of public relations. Authors Solis and Breakenridge expertly combine third-party perspective with case studies and examples to paint a picture of a profession on the brink of reinvention."Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is written for the those facing the new intersection of all that is rooted in Public Relations including PR, media and analyst relations, customer service, product development, social media, brand and community managers, executive management, HR, journalists, bloggers, marketing, advertising, students, teachers, content publishers, and everyone in between.
-- Paul Gillin
The book is now in stock at Amazon, the Amazon Kindle store, Barnes & Noble, Safari, and bookstores everywhere.
You can read more about the book here.
Thoughts from other leading voices:
"Movers of the message, now hear this: the public on the other end of the transaction isn't waiting around for you to reach it with your pitch. Let Brian Solis explain these things to you, and you will be far, far better off." -- Jay Rosen (read full post on PR 2.0.)
Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid) also created an original and brilliantly poignant drawing to commemorate the book's debut.
Kindle Edition
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Thanks for the nice words and a nice photo, too, Brian! You've done a fine job with "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations." It's written with energy and passion and you did a great deal of research. Good luck with it!
Paul, thank you so much for everything!
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