Video Interview: How to Build an Online Community with Loic Le Meur
Part Two of my recent visit to the gorgeous San Francisco offices of Loic Le Meur and Seesmic.
Loic and I spent some valuable time together that proved both refreshing and invigorating. We discussed digital photography, innovation at Seesmic, public relations and social marketing, and brand building in the era of the Social Web.
The conversation evolved into a deeper discussion that tackled the subject of online community building. Loic wanted to capture and share the experience on, so we moved to his video studio to continue the dialogue on camera.
Loic and I also discussed my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations." Please watch the video here.
San Francisco - The view from Seesmic
Kindle Edition
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Loic and I spent some valuable time together that proved both refreshing and invigorating. We discussed digital photography, innovation at Seesmic, public relations and social marketing, and brand building in the era of the Social Web.
The conversation evolved into a deeper discussion that tackled the subject of online community building. Loic wanted to capture and share the experience on, so we moved to his video studio to continue the dialogue on camera.
Loic and I also discussed my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations." Please watch the video here.
San Francisco - The view from Seesmic
Kindle Edition
Connect with me on:
Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Social Median, or Facebook
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pr pr+2.0 pr2.0 public+relations marketing advertising interactive social+media socialmedia brian+solis social media media2.0 media+2.0 2.0 smo social+media+optimization marcom communication publicity seesmic thepublic tim+ferriss loic+le+meur blog blogger putting+the+public+back+in+public+relations loic
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