PR 2.0: March 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Conversation Prism v2.0

The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and Jesse Thomas

The Conversation Prism debuted in August 2008 to provide a visual representation of the true expansiveness of the Social Web and the conversations that define it. In this short time span, over one million people have crossed its path.

When Jesse Thomas of JESS3 and I initially mapped “the conversation,” we recognized that the act of categorizing social networks within a visually rich graphic would be momentary at best, demanding endless iterations in order to accurately document evolving and shifting online conversations as well as the communities that promote them.

My goal was to observe, analyze, dissect, and present the dynamics of conversations, how and where they transpired.

We’re proud to introduce version 2.0 of The Conversation Prism. We’re also excited to release a version that traverses the online realm into the real world with the release of a full color 18” x 24” poster to prominently display in the workplace, classroom, home office, or at events. Please visit for details, embed codes, and additional insights.

What follows is a detailed mission statement and instructional guide to help you successfully endeavor into the social world of online communication and relationships building.

The Eloquence of the Conversation Prism and Social Science

The inspiration for its inception derived from a consistent observation of top-down methodologies and practices of brands, professional and personal, employed to create a presence on the social Web. Simply stated, brands focused on building presences in the most popular communities without regard to how they would attract inhabitants and ultimately interact, let alone whether or not their core ambassadors were present.

The Conversation Prism suggested a reversal in this approach, instead inspiring a bottom-up strategy that promoted social research, mapping, and ethnography. This inceptive sociological fieldwork would change everything and provide the insight necessary to develop an enlightened and cultured Social Media program that could potentially humanize the brand and foster relationships and engender emissaries to carry goodwill across the social web.

You + Me + Mutual Value = <3

People aren’t lured into relationships simply because you cast the bait to reel them into a conversation.

Sincerity extends beyond the mere act of creating a profile on Twitter or forming a fan page on Facebook or a group on LinkedIn. The dual definition of transparency serves very different forms of both genuine and hollow separated by intent and impression. Relationships are measured in the value, action, and sentiment that others take away from each conversation. Talking “at” or responding without merit, intelligence, or quality grossly underestimates the people you’re hoping to befriend and influence.

If participation were this simple, then perhaps everyone would excel as a Social Media “expert.”

It’s the difference between community and a halfway house; one will flourish, while the other will shelter transients, never building a thriving citizenry.

Identifying connected communities and observing the themes and culture of each provide entrée into the personification necessary to foster a genuine and equal ecosystem for dialogue.

It’s about bringing information and solutions to people where they congregate before attempting to host their attention on our terms.

The art of conversations is mastered through both the practice of hearing AND listening.

I hear you.

I’m listening to you.

I understand.

Drink it in… identify opportunities to engage, but more importantly, experience the nature, dynamic, ambience, and emotion in order to sincerely and intelligently empathize and converse as a peer.

Conversation Workflow

Making connections at the human level with the intent to listen before action is the only true and rewarding source of mutually beneficial engagement.

Socialized media is empowering us to not only consume content, but also create it. This is the era of new influencers and we become media and earn authority based on the content we share and also how and where we participate. In turn, our social graph creates an orbiting realm of social influence that can be useful to brands that align with our values and lifestyle.

This is about humanizing the story in a way that empathizes with those whom you’re trying to compel.

Conversations are increasingly distributed. This social distribution fragments our ability to connect with masses, but promotes a 1:1 approach that yields a one-to-many upside through the empowerment of influential social beacons.

The Conversation Prism represents that opportunity to proactively survey the landscape to pinpoint relevant dialogue, prioritize participation strategies, and create an engagement hierarchy and org chart.

V2.0 introduces a workflow rotation of concentric circles that assist in the establishment of value-added engagement cadence.

Level One, The Hub:

As a communications or service professional, you'll find yourself at the center of the prism - whether you're observing, listening or participating.

Halo 1:

The next layer of circles is supported by the activity of learning and organizing engagement strategies...

1. Observation – Discovering the communities that are actively discussing your brand

2. Listening – Hearing the people and the underlying sentiment in order to accurately craft response and participation programs, by community.

3. Identification – Recognizing and acknowledging the beacons to potentially enlist as brand ambassadors as well as the consumer who simply needs your response.

4. Internalization – Not every bit of feedback will be beneficial to your organization, but you will recognize patterns or spots of brilliance that can improve existing products and services over time.

5. Prioritization – Assess and structure where and how your team should focus.

6. Routing - Delegate by topic and expertise.

Halo 2:

Social Media represents the intersection of all public facing departments and requires that each infrastructure employ a socialized series of guidelines and response strategies. Inward focus now must include outward contribution. Ideally, each organization will appoint a community manager to listen and also assign and manage the responses of each department. Over time, this process will seamlessly integrate within the company’s CRM infrastructure, creating a new class of Social CRM or sCRM.

Conversations should always map to specific authorities within an organization to provide a competent and helpful response.

1. Customer or Product Support

2. Product and Sales

3. Marketing/PR

4. Community

5. Corporate Communications

6. Crisis

7. Support

Halo 3:

The outer ring completes the image of conversational workflow, but not the cycle. The process is powered by the continual rotation of listening, responding, and learning online and in the real world.

1. Ongoing Feedback and Insight – This is a necessary ingredient in more effectively building a socially aware and trusted brand. We must learn and demonstrate growth based on the feedback we receive. We must also continually share knowledge, provide resources, and communicate vision to earn trust, authority, and respect.

2. Participation – It’s been said that participation is the new marketing. Perhaps it’s better said that participation is the new focus group and mechanism for embracing humility to genuinely humanize your story. It’s how we learn and improve.

3. Online – Effectively building online relationships increase brand visibility and strengthen brand value within respective Social Networks. Embracing and empowering the community carries our brand personality across social graphs.

4. Real World – The true metric for relationships is how well they carry from the Web to the real world. It’s not about reaching customers using the latest shiny new object, it’s about reaching customers where they go to discover and share information and building relationships that have meaning and worth online and offline.

Creating a Social Map

As conversations are increasingly distributed, everything begins with listening and observing. Doing so will help you identify exactly where relevant discussions are taking place, as well as their scale and frequency. This dialog can be charted into a targeted social map that's unique to your brand. In the example below, I created a Social Map using MindJet to represent the communities where (if I were a brand) either need to or currently contribute based on my initial research.

This map is compelling as it demonstrates the scope of missed opportunities to the team and also decision makers. Consider running an audit and tracking the results in an accompanying document that measures and presents the rate of occurrence, whether each instance required a response, and if so, by whom, and also the potential reach of each dialog by quantifying the network of friends and friends of friends (FoFs) in order to establish priority, authority, response strategies, and urgency.

While we can’t control how our messages are internalized, we can surely shape perception at the point of discourse.

Remember, it’s what you say about you, what they hear, how they share that story, and how you weave that insight into future conversations.

The Conversation Prism is a living, breathing representation of Social Media and will evolve as services and conversation channels emerge, fuse, and dissipate.

In the social economy, relationships are the new currency and in Socialized Media, you will earn the relationships you deserve, in the individual communities where stakeholders and influencer assemble.
UPDATE: AdAge on, "Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers"

The Conversation Prism: The Language of Human Connections is International
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Evolution is Evolution

Special thanks to Adam Singer for this inspirational slideshow, "Inspirational Quotes Remixed."

Adam included a quote from my post, "The Social Revolution is Our Industrial Revolution..."
Evolution is evolution - and it's happened before us and will continue after we're gone. But, what's taking place now is much more than change for the sake of change. The socialization of content creation, consumption and participation, is hastening the metamorphosis that transforms everyday people into participants of a powerful and valuable media literate society.

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Paul Gillin on Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Paul Gillin at Blogworld Expo

I've rigorously followed Paul Gillin over the years. Gillin is a long-time technology journalist who’s worked almost exclusively online since 1999. He was founding editor-in-chief of TechTarget, which was one of the most successful new media entities to debut on the Web. Before that, he served as editor-in-chief and executive editor of the technology weekly Computerworld for 15 years. In 2007, Gillin released The New Influencers and in 2008 he released Secrets of Social Media Marketing.

I'd like to take a moment to share Paul's quote in support of my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations."
"Putting the Public Back in Public Relations" is a passionate and persuasive case for rewriting the rules of public relations. Authors Solis and Breakenridge expertly combine third-party perspective with case studies and examples to paint a picture of a profession on the brink of reinvention."

-- Paul Gillin
Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is written for the those facing the new intersection of all that is rooted in Public Relations including PR, media and analyst relations, customer service, product development, social media, brand and community managers, executive management, HR, journalists, bloggers, marketing, advertising, students, teachers, content publishers, and everyone in between.

The book is now in stock at Amazon, the Amazon Kindle store, Barnes & Noble, Safari, and bookstores everywhere.

You can read more about the book here.

Thoughts from other leading voices:

"Movers of the message, now hear this: the public on the other end of the transaction isn't waiting around for you to reach it with your pitch. Let Brian Solis explain these things to you, and you will be far, far better off." -- Jay Rosen (read full post on PR 2.0.)

Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid) also created an original and brilliantly poignant drawing to commemorate the book's debut.

Kindle Edition

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Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Social Median, or Facebook
Subscribe to the PR 2.0 RSS feed.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Micro Disruption Theory and The Social Effect

Relationships are so much more than the mere act of following or friending someone on Twitter or any social network for that matter. It's the balladry of transcending online connections into real world relationships. It's the cadence of interaction and the poetry of conversations that empower the human network and the escalation of the Social Economy.

On Social Networks we're bound by context and not necessarily by the relationships that link us in the real world.

We listen to relevant keywords to learn from others who share our interests and passions.

We're followed or friended by people prior to understanding who they are and how we're potentially affected through an alignment.

We're complex and multi-dimensional individuals, more so online, who distinctly connect with varying contacts tethered to transforming frames of reference.

The expansion and contraction of our relevant network and the corresponding networks of those who follow us, our friends, and our friends of friends (FoFs), collectively compose a unique concerto with every new contextual network. It changes and evolves in structure with every new orchestra that performs it.

While Facebook discusses the significance of the Social Graph within its walled garden, only Twitter provides the looking glass into a tangible human network, albeit tied specifically to Twitter, revealing who we friend, who friends us, to whom we "@" and those who actively @ or refer to us and our online Twitter persona. Imagine if we had access to visualize these interactions on Facebook or the nodes that link us as we traverse across the Statusphere and the Conversation Prism.

Twitter is much more than the darling for Social Media. The founding team wisely opened up its platform to allow developers access to improving, monitoring, extending, mapping, visualizing, and measuring engagement within the micro community. Doing so has held a profound effect, transcending micro communication into a macro cultural shift, disrupting and changing the very fibers of human interaction.

Several tools exist now to chart and plot relationships between people and also keywords/tweetclouds. I've written about Twitter-Friends quite extensively - and thus far, it's still one of the most compelling solutions for any research professional or brand manager examining the ties that bind users and also how well they listen and respond to their community.

However, there are two new services I wish to share with you, Top Twitter Friends and Social Collider.

Top Twitter Friends/Mailana

Top Twitter Friends is a sophisticated and also innovative mapping tool for revealing our social network defined by interaction, interconnectedness, geography, and also keywords. The map comes to life allowing you to click on contacts for additional details as well as those to whom they're connected. Relationships are traceable and moveable to more closely those who are directly connected in addition to you. The maps are also exportable.

Top Twitter Friends also provides a top 20 list of contacts as well as an analysis of who we should follow globally and locally.

1. sarahcudainfo
2. stoweboydinfo
3. microprinfo
4. somewhatfrankinfo
5. chrisheuerinfo
6. gregariousinfo
7. tdefreninfo
8. jowyanginfo
9. geofflivinginfo
10. stephagrestainfo
11. jspepperinfo
12. amandachapelinfo
13. richardatdellinfo
14. swhitleyinfo
15. gapingvoidinfo
16. jackiepetersinfo
17. nicolejordaninfo
18. dahowlettinfo
19. ces09info
20. chrisbroganinfo

Social Collider

Social Collider visualizes connectedness not by relationships, but by those who are drawn to content and linked together through common interests based on each topic. Essentially, it's a conversation map.

This is how I define the Relevant Net.

Social Collider establishes a powerful Influence Factor (IF) through a
related network that connects second, third-level and sequential friends and friends of friends (FOFs) that are bound by topic and time.

Social Collider reveals cross-connections between conversations on Twitter, allowing you to search for usernames or topics, Conversations are tracked through time and visualized "much like the way a particle collider draws pictures of subatomic matter."

Posts resonate, spin off, and horizontally link to users or topics who relate to them, either directly or in terms of their content.

Micro Disruption Theory and The Social Effect

The individual Relevant Net is networked by the common interests of people as they relate to specific dialogue over time and also in the moment, and thus, it's always expanding and contracting. I call this the Micro Disruption Theory and the True Social Effect.

Connections with friends and followers and their respective FoFs is constantly shifting and never duplicative in its exact alignment.

I believe we identify uniquely with different individuals across varying topics, but the timing of each update we share (disruption point) combined with the state of the extended attention aperture of friends and FoFs are perhaps the most important factors in determining the thread and viral opportunity for potential conversations and content sharing. A true social graph and the relationships that define it are constantly influx and measurable only as snapshots tied to subjects frozen in time.

Micro Disruption Theory visualizes the true opportunity for resonance and the potential course and reach for the ensuing Social Effect that connects people and content across social graphs.

Update / Time + Attention Aperture = Unique Impressions

Unique Impressions x FoF sharing = extended unique impressions and FoF resonance

I suspect that the crossover between those who participate in each conversation is relatively small, not only governed by interest, but also by the aperture of an attention lens when a conversation is initially introduced. While you have X quantity of friends and followers total, at any given time, only a micro portion is primed for a distraction, and even fewer are compelled to either act or share.

The truth is that the same update delivers different results dictated by the alignment of time, attention, and bandwidth for action. In the Social Web, there is no longer a right time, right place to contextually connect - thus requiring the constant participation and injection of value and dialogue to expand the potential for increased resonance opportunities, alignment and community.

We share in the desire to connect with those who share our affinities and passions. The constant curation and cultivation of value-added and sympathetic dialogue, information, and actions is how we compose the distinctive procession of notes that serve as our theme.

Helpful Posts on PR 2.0:
- Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is Now Available

Twitter and Social Networks Usher in a New Era of Social CRM
- The Human Network = The Social Economy
- In the Statusphere, ADD Creates Opportunities for Collaboration and Education
- Humanizing Social Networks, Revealing the People Powering Social Media
- Are Blogs Losing Authority to the Statusphere?
- Social Networks Now More Popular than Email; Facebook Surpasses MySpace
- I Like You
- BackType Connects the Conversation Graph
- Tracking Brands on Twitter to Improve How You Listen and Engage
- The Ties that Bind Us - Visualizing Relationships on Twitter and Social Networks
- Make Tweet Love - Top Tips for Building Twitter Relationships
- The Battle for Your Social Status

- Twitter Tools for Communication and Community Professionals
- Is Twitter a Viable Conversation Platform
- Is FriendFeed the Next Conversation Platform

- The Social Revolution is Our Industrial Revolution
- The State of Social Media

- Free ebook: The Essential Guide to Social Media
- Free ebook: Customer Service, The Art of Listening and Engagement Through Social Media

Connect with me on:
Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Social Median, or Facebook
Subscribe to the PR 2.0 RSS feed.

Now available:


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jay Rosen on Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Jay Rosen is a leading and innovative authority and one of my favorite voices on the subject of new media and journalism. I've admired his writing and vision for several years and often reference his work.

Jay Rosen teaches Journalism at New York University, where has been on the faculty since 1986. Rosen is the author of PressThink, a weblog about journalism and its ordeals, which he introduced in September 2003. He also blogs at the Huffington Post.

I'm humbled to share with you Jay's thoughts on my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations." Thank you Jay, I truly appreciate it..

"Movers of the message, now hear this: the public on the other end of the transaction isn't waiting around for you to reach it with your pitch. Let Brian Solis explain these things to you, and you will be far, far better off."

-- Jay Rosen

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is written for the those facing the new intersection of all that is rooted in Public Relations including PR, media and analyst relations, customer service, product development, social media, brand and community managers, executive management, HR, journalists, bloggers, marketing, advertising, students, teachers, content publishers, and everyone in between.

The book is now in stock at Amazon, the Amazon Kindle store, Barnes & Noble, Safari, and bookstores everywhere.

You can read more about the book here.

Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid) also created an original and brilliantly poignant drawing to commemorate the book's debut. Click here to see it.

Kindle Edition

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Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Jaiku, Social Median, or Facebook
Subscribe to the PR 2.0 RSS feed.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


To celebrate the availability of my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, renowned cartoonist, good friend, and perpetual source of intellectual inspiration, Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid) created an original and brilliantly poignant drawing.

The essence of his visualization, Public RELATIONS, serves as the foundation and theme for the entire book

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is written for the those facing the new intersection of all that is rooted in Public Relations including PR, media and analyst relations, customer service, product development, social media, brand and community managers, executive management, HR, journalists, bloggers, marketing, advertising, students, teachers, content publishers, and everyone in between.

The book is now in stock at Amazon, the Amazon Kindle store, Barnes & Noble, Safari, and bookstores everywhere.

You can read more about the book here.

Kindle Edition

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Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Social Median, or Facebook
Subscribe to the PR 2.0 RSS feed.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is Now Available

I almost can't believe that this day is finally here...

Deirdre Breakenridge and I proudly announce the availability of our new book, "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How Social Media is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR."

The book is in stock at Amazon, the Amazon Kindle store, Barnes & Noble, Safari, and bookstores everywhere.

Deirdre and I spent a good part of the last year pouring our heart, soul, and real world successes and failures into this book, and we only hope that it will help you excel in whatever role you choose to pursue.

This book is written for the those facing the new intersection of all that is Public Relations including PR, media and analyst relations, customer service, product development, social media, brand and community managers, executive management, HR, journalists, bloggers, marketing, advertising, students, teachers, content publishers, and everyone in between.

Book Summary:

PR, as we know it, is a dying practice having evolved away from the public and instead concentrating its energy on broadcasting disconnected messages to “media and analysts.”

What we’ve learned and what we know are quickly fading into irrelevance and obscurity. Reporters and analysts are now sharing the stage with a new generation of influencers. In addition to a still relevant process of media relations, we now need to expand our scope of participation and outreach by also identifying, understanding, and engaging the everyday people who have plugged-in to a powerful and democratized online platform for creating and distributing information, insight, and opinions – effectively gaining authority in the process.

The very people we had always wished to reach through traditional channels are now the very people we need to convince and inspire directly in order to remain part of industry-defining and market making conversations. This is a new era of influence and in order to participate, we have to rewire our DNA to stop marketing “at” audiences in order to genuinely and intelligently humanize our story to connect with real people and the online communities they inhabit.

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is a critical and mandatory process to shine in today’s social economy. It will help businesses forge meaningful relationships with those who will bridge specific benefits to distinct groups of consumers in order to cultivate a loyal, vocal, and hyper-connected community of customers and influencers.

I sincerely hope that this book helps you...

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Bonus: If you happen to live near San Mateo or Palo Alto, please visit Barnes & Noble and Borders for a pleasant surprise.

Kindle Edition

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Curate Expert Content with My.Alltop

Guy Kawasaki’s Alltop media empire continues to rapidly expand. If you don’t already know about it, Alltop is essentially a curated online magazine rack featuring thousands of sources, organized by industry or topic, to provide “aggregation without aggravation.”

Kawasaki and team recently introduced My.Alltop, which enables viewers to build a custom news page sourced from the qualified pundits and sources on any given topic that interests you. It’s reminiscent of NetVibes, but features only crowdsourced voices as a way of filtering out the noise and increasing the signal.

Here’s my dashboard:

My.Alltop dashboard features some of my favorite thought leaders in tech, new journalism, sociology, Web 2, and social media, including (in no particular order):

Guy Kawasaki, Walt Mossberg, Kara Swisher, Robert Scoble, Seth Godin, Tara Hunt, Doc Searls, David Armano, Fred Wilson, MetaFilter: Sociology, Chris Brogan, Jason Calacanis, Chris Anderson, Everyday Sociology, Hugh MacLeod, MindBlink, Shel Holtz, Mind Hacks, Richard Edelman, Peter Shankman, Enthnography, Dave Fleet, Brand Autopsy, Hubspot, Publishing 2.0, Adrants, Peter Kim, Todd Defren, B.L. Ochman, Psyblog, Media/Anthropology, Jeff Jarvis.

I highly recommend Alltop especially if you’re researching or seeking qualified authorities on the subjects that will help you excel. My.Alltop is my new homebase for tapping into the intellectual capital that feeds wisdom and also sparks new ideas each and every day - all from one place.

Sign up and discover the information that motivates, educates, entertains, and inspires you.

Connect with me on:
Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Social Median, or Facebook
Subscribe to the PR 2.0 RSS feed.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Introducing FriendFilter, A Better Way to Make Friends on Twitter

A few weeks ago, I alluded to a new Twitter application that would eventually debut to help qualify the people who follow you on Twitter.

Good friend and developer extraordinaire Christopher Peri and I proudly introduce FriendFilter in Beta. I've collaborated with Peri in the past to develop @microPR (along with Stowe Boyd), MicroJobs, and other apps soon to be released. His vision and technical prowess are ahead of many and I'm lucky to know him.

FriendFilter improves the signal to noise ratio on Twitter by providing you with the intelligence necessary to effectively curate the content and the people that appear in your Twitter timeline.

Auto-following dilutes the content and flow of the conversations that inspire and guide you.

While there are many tools that facilitate the proactive discovery of individuals who share similar interests and passions such as Mr. Tweet, TweepSearch, Twellow, Twubble, and WhoShouldIFollow, none provide a matchmaking system at the point of follow. This is an important distinction as Twitter sends an auto-notifier every time someone follows you with nothing more than a link to the person's page in the micro community.

Without meaningful guidance, you're following people back as a generous act of reciprocity, which generates goodwill, but not necessarily because you believe their content or updates in the statusphere are relevant and worth following. It is this goodwill that is forcing many power users to create a secondary account simply to follow the voices whom they must follow to stay current and motivated.

FriendFilter complements your notification message from twitter via email with detailed information about each person following you so that you can make an informed decision on the spot as to whether or not to follow back.

The stats and data provided by FriendFilter include:
- Number of friends
- Number followers
- Average posts per day
- Friends we both follow
- Messages to tweets I know
- Average number of hours between posts
- Followers to Friends ratio
- Ranking (in Thousands)
- Average Follower growth
- Friends who follow both of you

If someone seems interesting, you can simply click on their user name to see their last 20 updates, a TweetCloud, as well as a direct link to friend that person.

You control the volume of emails you receive from FriendFilter by adjusting the threshold of inbound alerts. For example, I have set my minimum score to "3" which qualifies followers based on a cumulative score that represents how close we align within the Twitterverse.

FriendFilter also provides you with an email update each time your username is mentioned on Twitter, which is helpful for personal and professional brand managers for up-to-the-minute online reputation management (ORM).

Of course there's more to FriendFilter, but we'll save those gems for later. Remember it's a early Beta, so please be kind and let @pervision know if you have any issues or ideas.

In the meantime, please sign up for FriendFilter to increase the signal to noise ratio on Twitter and invest in a more meaningful and rewarding social graph.

Happy 3rd Birthday Twitter!

Helpful Posts on PR 2.0:

- Twitter and Social Networks Introduce a New Era of Social CRM (sCRM)
- The Human Network = The Social Economy
- In the Statusphere, ADD Creates Opportunities for Collaboration and Education
- Humanizing Social Networks, Revealing the People Powering Social Media
- Are Blogs Losing Authority to the Statusphere?
- Social Networks Now More Popular than Email; Facebook Surpasses MySpace
- I Like You, Micro Acts of Appreciation Reverberate Across the Social Graph
- BackType Connects the Conversation Graph
- Tracking Brands on Twitter to Improve How You Listen and Engage
- The Ties that Bind Us - Visualizing Relationships on Twitter and Social Networks
- Make Tweet Love - Top Tips for Building Twitter Relationships
- The Battle for Your Social Status

- Twitter Tools for Communication and Community Professionals
- Is Twitter a Viable Conversation Platform
- Is FriendFeed the Next Conversation Platform

- The Social Revolution is Our Industrial Revolution
- The State of Social Media

- Free ebook: The Essential Guide to Social Media

Connect with me on:
Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, Plurk,, BackType, Social Median, or Facebook
Subscribe to the PR 2.0 RSS feed.
