Twibs Connects Customers to Businesses on Twitter
Twitter continues to inspire creativity and innovation among third-party developers. The latest useful solution is Twibs, a directory of businesses using Twitter to communicate with consumers, peers, and tastemakers.
Twitter is a conversation platform and it continues to fundamentally transform how people communicate with each other. Along with other socialized channels of online interaction, Twitter has also re-ignited the long-forgotten art of listening to and communicating with customers.
What started with forums and online reviews, then evolved to include blog comments, groups, social networks, and now micro communities, businesses are once again embracing the methodologies associated with excellent customer service - after all, the customer is always right. And, the customer is now potentially more influential than ever before.
Twibs is currently tracking roughly 4,500 brands on Twitter as well as associated promotions that they're running within the popular micro community.
According to the founders, "Twibs was created by a small group of people with one purpose: Give twitter users a place to find businesses on twitter. We are big believers in the power of twitter to connect customers with businesses. We're working on making it easy for consumers to find businesses, both local and national."
Ways you can help:
- Add a new business
- Manage your own
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I literally just tweeted about how I wish Time Warner Cable was on Twitter. Then maybe I could get someone to fix the internet at my apt! Unfortunately they are not on Twibs and don't have a twitter account.
Customers are more influential now than ever and they/we know that. It is great to see that there is a directory now where consumers can communicate with businesses. This is not only good for Twitter as the directory will undoubtedly attract new users, but other companies will be pressured to follow suit in some comparable way to provide their clients with a high level of customer service too.
Brian, as you may begin to see in my updates on Twitter, my blog, and other places I evangelize, Twitter is particularly interesting to me and I have been brain-storming ways in which it makes sense in the B2B arena as well. Do you have any overarching thoughts?
Hi Brian. I agree that Twitter has "re-ignited the long-forgotten art of listening to and communicating with customers". We launched a service last month that uses Twitter to re-ignite the long-forgotten art of communicating with neighbors. is a user-created local Twitter directory that helps Twitter users share information and find each other based on keyword and location down to the ZIP code level. Even on Twitter "local matters", especially for businesses. Would love to hear your take.
Zack Steven
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